Thursday, 13 December 2012

Pandora Radio

Can I just start off by saying how much I LOVE Pandora Radio? It was sadly wasn't available in Australia until a few months ago, but you should've heard how loud I screamed when I got sent an email saying Pandora was available in Australia.

I'm not very good at checking emails because most of them are usually from twitter, but yesterday I absolutely lost it when I read that the Pandora app was out in Australia and it was FREE!

I was so happy (obviously), it's even better than the spotify app because you don't actually have to pay to use it on your phone and its soooo handy because I don't actually own half of the music I love.

Now I've had my rant on how amazing Pandora is, you should go check it out. If you don't know what Pandora Radio is, basically you create radio stations based around your favourite artists. Pandora finds music with a similar style to that artist and that's what they play, and the best part is that IT'S FREE!

It's helped me broaden my horizons and discover so much new, amazing music and I love it oh so much. So there's my daily rant on how amazing pandora is.

S xx

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